Net Information

Every Tuesday at 19:00 on the 146.685 Repeater, a weekly repeater net is held in FM Mode. All HAMs are welcome and encouraged to participate.

After the 146.685 FM Net we alternate holding additional nets on VHF C4FM, UHF FM, UHF C4FM, and VHF Simplex. The frequencies are listed in the chart below. Net Control will announce during the 146.685 FM Net which second net and mode will be used for the second net that night.

At times when there is an NOAA watch or warning for Scott County or nearby counties, an ARES Skywarn net may be activated on the club repeater. All Skywarn Nets will be held in FM Mode. If for some reason the repeater should fail we will move to the UHF 443.625 repeater or the countywide simplex frequency of 147.490. See Skywarn Information below.


SCARES ARES 1-VHF SCARES Skywarn & ARES Primary Repeater 146.685 MINUS 141.3 141.3 Wideband FM & C4FM
SCARES ARES 2-UHF SCARES Skywarn & ARES Backup Repeater 443.625 PLUS 141.3 141.3 Wideband FM & C4FM
SCARES ARES 3-SIMPLEX Scott County ARES Simplex 147.490 SIMPLEX CSQ CSQ Wideband FM


Central KY Repeaters
NE4ST Net Preamble

Skywarn Information & Directions

A Skywarn Net will be activated upon direction from the National Weather Service (NWS), Scott County EMA, Scott County ARES Emergency Coordinator, or if severe weather conditions are present. Upon the activation of the net, a notice will be sent out to the club’s mailing list when possible.
The Skywarn Net will take place on the 146.685 Repeater in FM Mode, should the 146.685 Repeater fail the net will move to 443.625 Repeater in FM Mode. If both repeaters are down we will switch to Simplex FM Mode on 147.4900.

Rules to follow

Check into the net, give your call, location, and any other information requested by NCS. Then continue to observe your area.
Transmit ONLY AT THE DIRECTION OF NCS when the net is in formal session, or if you have a Immediate Life Threatening Situation Report.
Notify NCS if you are leaving the net or changing location.
NCS will check each station out after the net. This is for your protection. We want to ensure everyone is safe after the net.
Be accurate, sure of what you are reporting, and short and to the point.

How to report

During a Skywarn Net, you should be accurate, precise, short, and to the point
Your callsign and location:
What you see:
When you saw it:
Who saw it:
What it was doing/direction of travel:

Skywarn & ICS FEMA Training

You can find Skywarn Training information here: Louisville NWS
You can find FEMA ICS Training information here: FEMA NIMS/ICS